EMDR Therapy in Denver

Trauma Therapy Denver

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a form of psychotherapy that helps people recover from traumatic experiences and other distressing life events. Its goal is to help clients process their memories and emotions that have been "stuck" or unprocessed in their brains. At the outset of EMDR therapy, therapists used to use their finger to move back and forth, and clients would follow that movement with their eyes, or clients watched a moving dot on a computer screen. More recently, a lot of therapists have switched to the bilateral stimulation from a Theratapper, so clients can close their eyes and use more visualization as well. It is a more recommended approach in therapy today.

What is Bilateral Stimulation?

Bilateral stimulation involves engaging both sides of the brain simultaneously. Through a carefully designed process that incorporates alternating sensory input, such as eye movements, sounds, or taps, the technique activates the brain's natural capacity to process and integrate difficult experiences.

By stimulating both hemispheres of the brain, bilateral stimulation facilitates communication between different regions, promoting neural integration and facilitating the processing of distressing memories or emotions. This transformative approach allows individuals to move from a state of heightened arousal and reactivity to a place of calm and adaptive functioning.

It can soothe and calm the client’s nervous system, enhancing the client’s access to positive images, thoughts, emotions and body sensations, promoting healing and emotional well-being. Developed by experts in the field of trauma therapy, this method has proven to be effective in helping individuals overcome a wide range of challenges, including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and various other mental health conditions.

What Does EMDR Treat?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

EMDR has been widely used to treat PTSD symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and emotional numbing.

Phobias and Anxiety

EMDR can be used to address phobias and anxiety disorders by processing the underlying emotional distress and memories related to the phobia.

Other Trauma-Related Disorders

EMDR is also being used to treat a variety of other trauma-related disorders such as grief, addiction, and chronic pain.


EMDR has been used to help treat depression by helping clients reprocess negative thoughts or memories that contribute to their depressive symptoms.

The Eight Phases of EMDR Counseling

Phase 1: History and Treatment Planning

The therapist gathers information about the client's history and formulates a treatment plan.

Phase 2: Preparation

The therapist helps the client develop coping skills to deal with emotional distress.

Phase 3-6: Assessment, Desensitization, Installation, and Body Scan

The client identifies target memories and emotions while undergoing bilateral stimulation to process them.

Phase 7-8: Closure and Re-evaluation

The therapist ensures that the client feels grounded and safe before ending the session and prepares for future treatment.

Kristin is EMDR Trained.

At Birches Counseling, our highly skilled therapist, Kristin Rainey, is trained in utilizing bilateral stimulation techniques to support clients on their path to recovery. We understand that healing comes in many forms, and we are here to guide you on your journey, using innovative approaches backed by scientific research. Discover the transformative potential of EMDR as you embark on a healing journey towards increased self-awareness, resilience, and emotional well-being. Schedule an appointment with Kristin today and experience the powerful benefits of sensory integration.

Kristin’s thoughts about EMDR:

“EMDR can be a helpful way for the brain to process and release trauma without having to talk about the trauma. When I took the EMDR training and experienced EMDR for myself, I felt more calm and was able to reach more closure and acceptance. I believe that EMDR will help you process and release past trauma that is holding you back from living your life to the fullest.” 

Learn More about Kristin Here: